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Hello Dear Ones,
We pray that this letter finds all things well. There is a song we have been singing in the church for the past few years. It says, “Even when I don’t see it you’re working, even when I don’t feel it you’reworking, you never stop, you never stop working, you never stop, you never stop working.” Can you hear that song now? Well, I want to tell you, God is moving! In China right now, the church is exploding. In India, the church is experiencing great growth, and even greater persecution. However, the persecution only fuels the church in India. As Tertullian said in 2nd century Christianity, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church”. God is moving in Iran where Muslims are having visions and dreams of Jesus and asking Christians for an explanation. Christians are leading them to faith in Jesus! It is shocking what is happening in Iran. Even as we hear the constant bombardment about Covid-19 and its many variants, broken borders, political correctness, liberal and bizarre philosophies in our classrooms, homosexuality, and vaccines, God IS moving! He is moving wherever believers allow their voice to be loud for the name of Jesus. Let me give you two examples from just this past month.

Sylacauga, Alabama: God At The Gas

I pulled into the city about 9:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning. It was snowing hard and a near white-out. I almost had to pull off of the road as the snow was falling so rapidly. The temperatures were forecast to fall quickly and the roads could freeze. I decided to fill my car with gas before the service so I could get back on the road to Mobile, and back home before dark. I walked into the gas station across the street from the church. The cashier was a very sweet woman. I greeted her and asked how she was. She replied, “I am blessed”. I said, “So am I!”, and we fist bumped one another. At the end of the counter was a young girl who was covered in tattoos and piercings. I asked her how she was and she
replied, “Ok I guess”. The Lord immediately dropped a word of knowledge in my heart. I asked her, “Do you want to know why you are just ok?” She asked why and I said, “Because you want to die. You want to kill yourself because you feel unwanted and disrespected. God sent me 250 miles this morning, through the snow, to tell you that God loves you! The Lord says that you are beautiful, talented and smart. God has a plan for you!” She began to weep. She said, “Oh my God, I tried to kill myself last night but I just could not do it”. She asked how I knew all of that.

Let me tell you about Luverne, Alabama!
The church had a record attendance the Sunday following our outreach to the community. 14 people came to the altar of decision in that service. After an amazing Sunday morning service, the Pastor, his wife, and I went to a local restaurant for lunch. While we were eating, a young lady who was an employee of the restaurant was cleaning the table close to us. She was working so hard and looked
exhausted. The Lord said to grab her by the hand and tell her that God loves her. When she looked up at me I said, “What is your name?” She said, “It’s Jennifer.” I told her of the love of God. I asked if I could have her hand. She willingly extended her hand. She was about 25 years old. I said, “The Lord said for me to take your hand and tell you you are not alone and He loves you”. She began to weep. She said, “My boyfriend left me, I have a small child and I don’t know what to do”. The Pastor introduced himself and said, “We are here for you.” She said she was away from God before we could even ask her about her relationship with Jesus. We told her she could, even at that moment, return to Him right here in this restaurant. We asked if we could pray for her and led her in the sinner’s prayer. She then looked up, just like the girl at the gas station, with a new look of hope. The Pastor and his wife have been reaching out to Jennifer and they are hoping to help her find her
pathway to life through Jesus!

I told her, “The God of Heaven, who Is Jesus, spoke to me about you when I walked in this gas station. I asked her to come to church with me. I told her, “I am an evangelist for God, and Jesus is calling you to surrender your heart to Him. He will give you all that you desire as you follow His plan for your life”. She began to sob. I began to read the Roman Road scriptures to her. I asked, “Would you like to live?” She said she would. I asked if she wanted to give her heart to Jesus. She said, “I don’t know how?” I then led her in a prayer of repentance. She looked up with eyes of hope that looked very different from when I walked in that gas station. I asked her to come to church with me.She could not leave her mother who worked in the adjacent restaurant. I wished her well, then left and went to church. Let me stop and say that 8 people came to the altar of decision that morning and one of them was a young man that everyone had almost given up on. He was deeply touched by God that morning. After the wonderful service we had, I took the Youth Pastor back over to the gas station to meet Dana and invite her to their church. She came the following Wednesday night to join the youth group. I am praying that Dana has found new life and that the curse of suicide is broken! Friends, God Is moving!

Oh Dear Family, Friends and Ministry Partners, this is what you support each month as you send us across the nation. You send us to offer the hope of a new life in Jesus, and a transformed heart. God Is moving! Do not let the news, the chatter, or anything you hear convince you that God is not moving. It was raining here in Mobile a few nights ago. As I awakened to the sound of the storm, I looked out and saw the rain and lightening, and heard the thunder. I could not go back to sleep.

The Lord began to speak to me. He said, “You hear the thunder, and see the lightening and the rain. Have I not moved in these before? You see this storm. But I tell you, a Spirit storm is coming. I am moving in revival among my people and a Spirit storm is coming.” I heard it clearly. Allow
your hope to be raised high, and allow your expectations to be raised even higher. The Lord IS moving. No matter how dark it may feel. You might not see it, you might not feel it. But hear this dear ones, He never stops, He never stops working, He never stops, He never stops working. Let God work through you. Pray, worship, give and tell someone your story of hope. Miracles are waiting for you to activate your faith and get loud for Jesus.

Let us join China, India, Iran and the places of the earth where God is moving, and let us jump into the river of His activity. Hear this
again. God Is Moving. He is wanting to move in you, and through you. What about you? Are you ready for His love to flow through you? Ask Him right now as you read this letter. Just know that Karen and I are both praying for you, your family, your church and your community to see Him at work. Look up, everyone. God is moving!

What a time to live and rejoice in the goodness of our God. There is joy in the house of the Lord! Thank you for helping us continue to go to the nations and tell them these stories of hope. We need you, (Please donate to our ministry) and we thank you for your generous financial gifts to keep us going. May it be multiplied back to you in joy as you help us bring joy to every city that we visit!

We love you all,
Evangelists Johnny and Karen Jernigan
Matthew 11:12

Positioning Churches for Unstoppable Growth

Dear Family, Friends and Ministry Partners,

Read Our Current Newsletter

Hello from the front lines of Johnny Jernigan Ministries. I hope that you are riding the waves of Covid-19 craziness and chaos with the joy of the Lord in your heart. Here is my declaration to you: “I remain confident of this, We will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13 NIV) This is our promise and this is our inheritance. What an amazing journey the past five months have been, right? I have started traveling again
over the past seven weeks to minister in our churches.

What I have seen has brought me both great joy and, deep sorrow. Each week, as I have given invitations to the altar, the altars have been filled. People are coming to faith in Jesus, repenting, renewing their faith in Him and seeking His presence in their lives. I have also observed that in most of our churches, they are more than half empty because of the fear of this virus. Hear me dear friend, I feel deeply that this is a time for a cautious,
careful and calculated season to reach out to the people around us. We can observe all guidelines of social distancing and still connect to the culture around us. People are scared of this virus, they are worried about he upcoming election and the riots are bringing such uneasiness to the minds of so many.

Everywhere we look, the news is bad. People are looking for hope, they are looking for peace and they are looking for comfort. They will only find that in the house of God and in the love of our Savior. That is why I say, we must reach out right now with the message of the cross and the gospel of Jesus. We need to offer people we encounter the hope, the peace and the comfort that only comes from a relationship with Jesus. In every city I have ministered in these past seven weeks, something wonderful is happening. Many are turning to the Lord in this hour.

There is an openness in the hearts of people everywhere right now to discuss spiritual matters. We must seize the moment dear friends, not just do business as usual. The Lord will take care of us as His children. No matter what happens in the next three months, we must not be silent.We must launch. We must also address those around us carefully, cautiously and in a calculated social distancing way offer the message of life and
hope. We must not allow this season to swallow us…we must swallow this season!

I Will Not Let This Swallow Me!
(Ezekiel 37:1-10)

The old hymn of the church is ringing in my heart. The words are, “The King is coming, the King is coming, I just heard the trumpet sounding, and now His face I see, oh the King is coming, the King is coming, praise God, He’s coming for me.” Do you feel this too? You see dear friends, the bible is filled with people and seasons where they thought their situation would swallow them. However, faith arose in their hearts, and they swallowed the situation, rather than the situation swallowing them.

I have the picture above and have held on to it now for many years. It is a picture of a crane that has a frog in its mouth and the crane is trying to swallow the frog. I love this picture. The frog has his head in the mouth of the crane, but the frog reaches around and grabs the frog by the throat as if to say, “you will not swallow me, not now, not today!” He has the crane right where he wants him. He has him right between the clutching of his hands and stops the predator from swallowing him. This is one of my favorite pictures.

Dear friends, if we are going to triumph in this season, we must live by faith. If we feel like everything is trying to swallow us, we still have the ability to choke our enemies and live. Consider Ezekiel. In the book of Ezekiel chapter 37, verses 1-10, there is a dialogue between the Spirit of the Lord and Ezekiel. God takes Ezekiel and shows him a valley of very dry dead bones, where life HAD been. God asks Ezekiel a question, “can these bones
live again?” God was looking for just one person to get in agreement with Him that these bones could live again. One can put 1,000 to flight, two can put 10,000 to flight.

God was simply looking for Ezekiel to get in agreement with Him that life could come in this dead situation. It is the same question that God is asking the church in America right now. The answer is emphatically 100%…YES! Now think with me for a moment. Ezekiel was a seasoned prophet and a strong minister in the house of the Lord. He has seen miracles again and again with his God. However, he was bewildered, confused and unsure of himself hen confronted with a need to answer this question. The uncertainty in this situation was trying to swallow the faith and hope of Ezekiel. Ezekiel’s answer to the question from the Lord, “only you alone know.” In other words, I am not sure Lord, only you have the answer.

Then, I love what the Spirit of the Lord does next. He tells Ezekiel exactly what to say over these dead bones. He tells Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones. God says for Ezekiel to say, “Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. This is what the sovereign Lord says to these bones. I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin. I will put breath in you” (verses 4-6) In verse 7, Ezekiel makes an amazing statement. Ezekiel says, “so I prophesied as I was commanded.” God told Ezekiel what to say over this dead, fearful place that was trying to swallow his hope and his faith. Then, Ezekiel declares what God told him to say over this valley of dry dead bones. Out of sheer obedience and raw determination, Ezekiel began to speak the words he was told to speak over this dead place. He then says, that, “as I was
prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together bone to bone. I looked and tendons and flesh appeared on them, and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.” WOW-Wheezer!

Can you even imagine how the faith of Ezekiel began to increase? One moment he is looking over a valley of dead, dry bones. Then, in the next moment as he begins to speak, there is a cracking and convulsion in this valley of bones as tendons and flesh began to cover them. Now he is looking over a valley of “corpses” because the bible tells us “there was no breath in them.” If Ezekiel would have stopped right here, he would have been half way to a miracle. The half way place is a miserable place. It is half way from life and half way from death. It is half way from light and half way from darkness. It is half way from hope and half way from despair. But look dear friends, faith begins to settle into Ezekiel’s heart. Verse 9 tells us, that then the Spirit said to me, “prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to it,

This is what the Sovereign Lord says, Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.” God again tells Ezekiel exactly what to say over the fact that there is no breath in this valley of corpses. Verse 10 says again, “so I prophesied as I was commanded.” Out of
obedience, Ezekiel prophesies a second time. Then verse 10 continues to say, “and breath entered them, they came to life and stood up on their feet…a vast army.” Think with me dear friends, was the vast army in the valley of dry places or in the house of God? They were IN the valley of dry dead places. There are multitudes outside our church walls in the valley of dry dead places and they are simply waiting for someone to come and speak the “word of the Lord” over them. Friends, the power of life and death are in the tongue.

What the dry dead places in America need right now, is the ongoing prophetic declarations of life and breath from believers all across this land. I am convinced that Ezekiel would have prophesied a third time, a fourth time or a fifth time until life came into this dry dead place. You and I have the power of life in our mouth. The question is, will we look at ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and FOX networks and only allow them to declare death over America?

Will we sit idling while the enemy speaks death over and over across our nation? NO! We must arise as Ezekiel did, shake off the fear and uncertainty and speak over the dry dead places and say, ”Hear The Word Of The Lord!” If God did it then, He can do it again dear friends. May we never allow this season to swallow our faith and confidence in the Lord. May we speak even louder that life can come again into the dry dead places. Oh dear friends, we can do this. Grab the enemy by the throat and say, you will not swallow me today! Everything seems a bit confusing, fearful and uncertain right now. But dear friends, listen to Ezekiel and squeeze the enemy by the throat. Begin to speak words of life and hope and victory and triumph over the dry dead places! Nothing times nothing is nothing, right? May we as the people of God speak over our nation, our communities, our churches and our families and say, “dry bones hear the word of the Lord!” Dear partner and friend, Karen and I will not let this season swallow us, will you? Look up dear friends, God is moving and souls are at stake. Declare life by speaking God’s words dear friends, speak life! What was dead can live again. Thank you for sending us each week as your evangelists to continue sharing the message of life and hope in Jesus! Miracles in the dead places are…… just ahead!

Evangelists Johnny and Karen Jernigan
Matthew 11:12

Thank you for your continued support of our ministry! For future contributions, please visit our website at, and…click…donate!

In Ashland, Alabama and again in Lakeland, Florida, we saw 15 people in each church come to the altar of decision. Many were weeping as they called on Jesus to set them free. This ministry exists to see souls come to a saving faith in Jesus and to mobilize churches to reach out to their communities. In Midland City, Alabama, we saw two people who were baptized in the Holy Spirit. This is significant because both of them had been seeking the infilling of the Holy Spirit for over 25 years! As they began to speak in new tongues, they wept as they were filled with the Holy Spirit. They left rejoicing and expectant for what this new experience will bring to their future life in Christ!

Where We Have Been?

Where We Are Going?

Positioning Churches for Unstoppable Growth

Positioning Churches for Unstoppable Growth

Father’s Day 2020
(L-R: Jacob, Johnny, Abigail, & John David)

Dear Partners, Family and Friends,

Happy 4th of July! 244 years ago, our determined leaders declared independence from Great Britain to establish these United States of America. Over these 244 years, through civil and foreign wars, economic depression, political fallout, a sexual revolution and epidemics, we have always rallied as a nation to become one people. If we have ever needed something to bring our nation together, it is now! Riots in our streets, unemployment at depression era levels, a pandemic that seems to be gaining a second head of steam and a looming election that has everyone on edge. Over these past three and half months, Karen and I have been working diligently with many pastors, evangelists and denominational leaders to ask, in a season of change, what is the role of the evangelist in the shifting church culture? What we have seen, has been so hopeful and so engaging that we want to share it with you.         

Training for War

Father’s Day – Johnny & Karen Jernigan

An army that is not trained for war will never know the depth of the fight that they are facing. You  must know your enemy to be able to identify and defeat them. We have found that many churches are so disproportionately trained in evangelism, that they want to simply stay in the barracks and never enter the battlefield. Jesus said: follow me and I will make you fishers of men, not just keepers of the aquarium. H.O.P.E. Outreach (Hour Of Power Evangelism) is supernaturally positioned for this hour. We are training, organizing and mobilizing the army of God for real community influence. In the state of Alabama, we are scheduling, right now, meetings to bring multiple congregations together. This will be a coordinated outreach weekend to assist many churches at one time. We could potentially touch many thousands of people in one weekend. It will include a Friday night Holy Spirit rally, a Saturday morning outreach and then a Sunday morning soul winners service. It will conclude with a Sunday night celebration service with all of the churches.

“People are looking for comfort,
peace, and security in this hour.”

HOPE outreach, that the Lord gave to us while we were pastoring the City Church of Mobile, is taking center stage in this effort. The goal is to help every church with the HOPE outreach process to touch their community after this event with a systematic, simple and yet a fully sustainable outreach process. It is so exciting to imagine the possibilities. Will you please dream with us and for these great ministry weekends across Alabama?

If we never train for battle, we will never be ready for battle. The battle is for the souls of men. The war will be won as we share the message of the gospel one-on-one and heart-to- heart with people all around our churches and all across this state. The fight is to mobilize the army for influence. We do not win wars sitting in the barracks. We must mobilize. In all  of our travels, we have seen, that many pastors are not personal soul winners. They often

get bogged down in the daily maintenance of church ministry, which is very important. This is where the evangelist comes in to serve the church, train the army and mobilize for war! Because this ministry was so deeply involved in this process already, the Lord has positioned us for real influences in many states all across the nation. As the fall of the year arrives, it seems we will be able to ramp up again to help churches in these regions to reach out to their Jerusalem. Pray with us that these city outreaches will be successful. It is our great hope that many will be saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and that the churches we are honored to serve will come alive to a real passion for evangelism.

Widows and Orphans Ministry:
Another Unexpected Blessing

Karen and I have always been involved in the ministry to widows and orphans. James 1:27 says, “religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” As many of you know, I have started a lawn business during this pandemic. Many  of my clients are widows, and they have taken to me as “their own personal evangelist”   who comes to their homes. It has been so sweet to minister to them as I make their lawn beautiful. I have recently completed a raised potting bed for one of our widows, she is 81 years old and alone here in Mobile. This helped her so that she did not need to bend over to plant her garden. She called me a few days ago and just harvested her first tomato. She  was so excited. What a joy it has been to care for their lawns, pray with them and assist them with many other needs. I have helped them with better ways to get their prescriptions, household repairs and much more. It has been an unexpected ministry.

We are also deeply involved in the Hope House here in Mobile. It is a home with 6 mentally challenged adults. They are all void of a biological family and alone in this home and under the care of a house mom. Their families are either deceased or have completely rejected them. We have started taking them out to lunch on Saturdays. It is like Christmas when I drive up to the Hope House. They are all waiting outside at the mailbox for my arrival. They all pile in my car and off we go to McDonalds, Zaxby’s, Wendy’s or other local fast food locations. I tell them silly jokes and make them laugh for just a moment. Then, I pray with them. When I drop them off, they are so grateful and appreciative that it makes me weep as they all stand waving as I pull away from their home. It is difficult situation where they live. We are asking several churches to help us adopt this house to elevate the function of the home and bring joy to those who live there. We are planning Christmas in July for them on July 11th. Pray that this day will be a day of happiness and celebration. They are smart and capable adults who suffer with mental or emotional challenges. Pray that this ministry will grow and expand to other homes in Mobile. If you would like to help us with the Christmas  in July, you can help with the following items, or designate a gift for this event:

  • Used Refrigerator (or new)
  • Used Washer and Dryer (or new)
  • Games (card or board)
  • Undergarments (men and women large and extra large)
  • Socks (men and women large and extra large)
  • Clothing for 2 ladies and 4 men (large and extra large)

I will give you a report next month how this event unfolds. What an unexpected joy this has been to help our widows and our orphans in Mobile, Alabama. Because we were so focused on travel to other areas over these past years, we missed this real need right here in our our city. Pray that we will lead them to faith in Jesus and that we will be a source of joy for both the widows and the orphans.

Please visit today!

This is what you support when you support Johnny Jernigan Ministries. We are helping churches with evangelism strategies and mobilization to reposition for success in a pandemic church culture. We are also ramping up for real ministry to widows and orphans here in Mobile. Please, ask the Father what you can do to help us fulfill this calling. We have not received regular financial church support as a ministry for over 3 months now. It has been a challenge, but our God is so faithful! Your giving propels us forward to fulfill these type of ministries. The scripture says, “How can they hear unless someone tells them AND, how can they go unless they are sent?” The telling and the sending are both equally as important as the other. We will go, we simply need your help to send us.

Out fishing for Father’s Day 2020 with the Jernigan Crew!

Churches are waiting on us. Widows and orphans are waiting on us. Will you help us continue these needed ministries? We are in such a season of uncertainty. Fear and confusion are rampant. People are looking for comfort, peace and security in this hour. That is why we must be a loud voice for the gospel so that many will find rest in a wonderful relationship with Jesus. Please pray that the Father will use us to be a light in this darkness and that souls will come to faith in Jesus! We love you all and count it all joy to be your evangelist. We pray a 100-fold return to you for helping us. Shalom!

Evangelists Johnny and Karen Jernigan Psalm 27

Download the Newsletter in a PDF format

The Human Right

The United Nations says that the basic human right, is that every man, woman, boy and girl on the earth should have access to food, clean water and shelter. I agree. Safe dwellings, starvation and clean water are something we should all be a part of helping to make a reality for everyone on the earth. It is in our capacity to feed, clothe and hydrate the world if we can all work together. Nations working in unity could accomplish this goal. It is a massive problem.

There is still a bigger issue!

As a Christian, I also believe that the basic human right is more than just food, water and shelter. The basic human right is to be exposed to TRUTH! Truth is not a concept, truth is a person, and that person is Jesus the Christ. If that is true, then we should do something about this issue. Some would say that it is arrogant to think that one religion would have all the answers. That we as Christians would have a better path to eternity than Islam, Buddhism or any other religion. That it is arrogant to demand that every human being to be exposed to the knowledge of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That I am right and that they are wrong and if they do not believe like me, they will go to Hell. It is arrogant…..unless what the bible says about Jesus is…TRUE! I believe that what Jesus said is true. I believe that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, is real and that it changed everything. I can go to the tomb of Mohammad, Buddha or any other religious leader in history, and I can find their dead body in their tomb. However, I can go to the tomb of Jesus and He is not there, He is alive! That changes everything. I also believe that what Jesus said is essential. Jesus is not one way, Jesus is not some way, but that Jesus is THE way to the eternity in heaven that we all hope for where we will live forever with the eternal God.
If this is true, then a privatized Christianity in a resurrected Jesus is a curse to the nations, and not a blessing.

Silence is the enemy of truth!

The last command that Jesus gave to His disciples was to go into all this world and tell everyone that He is the Messiah, the way to eternity with God the Father. The resurrection demands a response that we would tell everyone that Jesus is THE WAY, JESUS IS THE TRUTH AND THAT JESUS IS THE LIFE! The Human Right is then more than food, water and shelter. It is the basic right to know the truth. That God so loved the world, that He gave by death, His one and only Son, so that whosoever would believe in Him, would never perish but inherit eternal life with this resurrected Jesus.

Until we see the lostness of man, we will still probably never do anything about this basic human right. Let us say it this way. What if we discovered that across the street form your house, there was found that a man had a room full of beautiful German Shepherd dogs. Then we discovered that on every Friday night, for entertainment, he would heat a fire poker in his fireplace to red hot.” Then we discovered that he would stick the hot fire poker in into the ears of these dogs, and then into the eyes of these beautiful defenseless animals. If we found this to be true across the street for your house, not one of us reading this would not stop and call the police, the SPCA and say,”someone must stop that man form torturing this dogs.” This would absolutely be the right thing to do to stop the torture. Here is my point. We pass people everyday that the Devil is torturing with drugs, alcohol, depression, suicidal thoughts and more. For the most part, we are unmoved by this happening all around us. We see the hungry bellies, the dying masses from water born illnesses and the war torn ares of the earth. We must respond and we must call the authorities to stop the torture. Our God has commissioned us to be the ones who would stop the killing of the defenseless, the hungry, the uninformed and that we might tell them the truth about Jesus. The basic human right is more than food, water and shelter. It is to know the truth about Jesus. That His love and His help and His hope is available to save them from their torturer. He is the way, He is the life and he is the truth.

So, what will you do about this? What will I do about this? Let’s join together and tell the whole world that this is not arrogance, this is the truth about Jesus! I dare you! It is up to you and it is up to me.

Carpe Diem

Right to Invite Weekend Nuts & Bolts

Learn More About the Right to Invite Weekend

1. A Friday night Holy Spirit Encounter service. I preach on the Baptism of the Holy spirit and we are seeing many baptized in the Holy Spirit in this meeting.

2. A Saturday morning outreach. Normally starts at 9:30am with prayer and last minute instructions. Out by 10am and back by Noon for testimonies. It is a big win as they pray with many people all across the community. We normally go to area businesses with a bag of Hershey’s Kisses with Almonds as they are the anointed ones!!! We say to the area businesses, “we are here to say thank you for what you do in our community. This is a gift to sweeten your day and say thank you for what you offer as a business, thank you for what you do to help the economy, thank you for the employees you employ and as a local church, we simply wanted you to know we are praying for you today.” They are blown away by the generous gesture and then we offer to pray for them. Your people come back pumped up as they got to pray with many all across the community. It is a big win to help people slide into a non confrontational approach evangelism and to reaching out to the community.

3. A Sunday morning “INVITE” service where we challenge every person in the church to bring at least “one person” with them on the Sunday morning service. The message is humorous and strong and we are seeing many being saved in this service.

4. Sunday night is a Drama called, “Unfinished, Unmasking he Message of the Cross.” It only takes 3 people in your church to perform. I do the last part. It is video and dialogue driven, one hour in length and lots of fun. It is also a passionate call to Christians to find the place of ministry in the church. We are seeing many saved at this event as people will come to a drama when they won’t come to a sermon. It is a powerful weekend designed to get people “hooked” on inviting people to church! That is the hope Pastor Joe!

Let me know a date when this can fit to help you reach that community! Love ya Pastor!

Learn More

How Do We Organize, Teach and Mobilize?

The Right To Invite Weekend
The Right To Invite Weekend is a 3 day focus on gathering and inviting the community to the local church. Johnny helps the church organize and then mobilize through this weekend effort. It is a Friday night Holy Spirit encounter service, a Saturday morning outreach to the community, a Sunday morning INVITE service where every Christians encouraged to bring at least one person to the house of God for this special salvation teaching by Evangelist Johnny Jernigan and the Sunday night is the Drama, Unfinished: Unmasking the Message of the Cross. It is a one hour drama that performs in drama the Magic Kingdom concept of life, the Tragic Kingdom concept of life and the Real Kingdom established by Jesus the Christ 200 years ago. The entire weekend is a focus to awaken and trigger in the heart of the church a passion to gather the unbelieving culture to the Name of Jesus and the house of God. It is truly a powerful encounter for the local church.

H.O.P.E. Outreach
H.O.P.E. Outreach is a year long strategy to assist the local church in making evangelism part of the DNA of the church and not just an event. Thom Rainer says that “most evangelism has become humanitarian. We hand out Back Packs to kids when they go back to school, we give out Hot Dogs and Burgers when people come to our church events, we house the homeless and we feed the hungry and we should do all of these things. However, the average American believer is not sharing a clear Gospel with this culture. The population is growing, the church is becoming less involved in American life and the gap between the church and the culture is really widening.” H.O.P.E. Outreach stands for “Hour Of Power Evangelism.” We help churches reach their communities “one hour at a time.” It is a strategy for a weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual focus on evangelist for the local church to keep evangelism central to the ministries of the church.

Sign The Pledge, Share the Message
This is an effort to send an e-mail to Christians every Thursday to remind them to pray for their Pastors, to tell at least one person their personal story of salvation and to invite at least one person to join them in their church the next Sunday. We presently connect with over 2500 people each week by email to help them share their faith and invite people to the house of God. We get weekly reports of someone coming to faith in Jesus or being saved in their local church,. The goal is to have 100,000 people on this email list in the next 10 years.

About Johnny Jernigan

Johnny and Karen Jernigan have developed several evangelistic strategies to assist the local church and para-church ministries in mobilizing the people of God. After planting The City Church of Mobile with 11 people, 10 years later, it is now a thriving local church with a global mission. When ISIS began torturing and killing Christians, something went off in their hearts. They were moved by the Spirit of God to once again encourage the church to not fold up in the fear of radical religions. Instead, they
have felt that this is the hour for the church to rise up and tell the greatest story of all, the story of God’s love for humanity.
Through local church ministries, denominational mobilization, drama and theatrical plays, Johnny and Karen desire to partner with you. With proven evangelism strategies, they will assist you in achieving the vision for your

Johnny Jernigan Ministries Contact Info:
Phone: 251.622.0251
Mail: P.O. Box 8306 Mobile, AL 36689

About Us

About Johnny Jernigan Ministries

Johnny Jernigan Ministries exists to organize, train and mobile Christians and congregations for community influence and to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ both domestically and Internationally. They travel extensively teaching, preaching, training and mobilizing churches and believers for community influence. Johnny is the Director of Evangelism for the Assemblies of God in the State of Alabama and is an assistant to National Evangelism Director Tim Enloe in Springfield, Missouri. Their story is one of influence and evangelism fervor.

Johnny and Karen Jernigan started in ministry over 35 years ago. After being High School sweethearts in Mobile, Alabama, they were married in March of 1984. Immediately, they moved to Lakeland, Florida to attend Southeastern Assemblies of God University. Johnny received his Batchelor’s in Theology and in Ministry. Karen received her degree in Elementary Education and then received her masters Degree  form the University of Mobile. After graduation in 1986, they moved to Birmingham, Alabama to become the youth ministers of the Grayson Valley Assembly of God. The Youth Ministry grew from 10 to almost 100 in the next nine months with ministry in the area High Schools and Middle Schools and the evangelism passion that they brought to this church.

In 1987, they then moved back to Mobile, Alabama to become the youth ministers of their home church at the Knollwood Assembly of God. The youth ministry grew from 25 to over 250 students in the next 5 years. They were again involved in the area High School and Middles Schools with bible clubs and on campus ministries. Missions trips, area ministries and evangelism again marked their ministry during this season of ministry.

At the age of 28, Johnny felt the tug from heaven to become an Evangelist. In 1992, Johnny Jernigan Ministries was born. Johnny was quickly recognized as a strong communicator to students and over the next 15 years, Johnny spoke in over 120 youth camps, over 75 youth conferences and over 500 High Schools assemblies with his requested “Choice of Champions High School Assembly program.” Johnny was regarded as one of the most sought after youth speakers in all of the Assemblies of God across the United States.

In 2006, Johnny and Karen felt the tug of heaven to plant a church in their home town of Mobile, Alabama. They launched The City Church of Mobile in February of 2006. They started with 11 people in their first gathering and within 2 years, the church was averaging over 400 in attendance. They church grew to over 500 with ministries all across the community of Mobile and grew influence in many nations through the missions efforts of the church. The church became a multicultural, multi staff congregation with a real outreach to the communities all around the church. In 2016, they again felt the tug of heaven to launch out again into the ministry and function of the life and calling of the evangelist. The City Church of Mobile is still a thriving and influential congregation in the city of Mobile, Alabama.

In June of 2016, Johnny Jernigan Evangelistic Ministries and The Champions Foundation was again launched across Alabama and all across the United States and to the nations of the earth. What caused them to again go back to the life of the Evangelist? It started in 2015 when ISIS was on a terror campaign to kill Christians all across the Middle East. It became personal when one of the couples murdered in IRAN was from Mobile, Alabama. There is nothing new about Christians being murdered for their faith. We have simply never watched it live on the Internet before. Johnny went into prayer and thought, “no one has a sword to my neck. We have it so easy to live as a Christian and to propagate the Gospel here in the United States.” Johnny then had a dream where the Lord Jesus appears to him in a dream. The Lord showed him a Train that was sitting in mud. The Lord asked Johnny, “Can this train roll? Johnny replied, no. The Lord Jesus asked why? Johnny response was, “because it is sitting in mud. The Lord said, no, it is because it has no rails.” The Lord then snapped His fingers at Johnny and said, “Give my train rails.” Johnny then awoke and knew that the Lord was calling him back to the calling of the Evangelist to awaken a sleeping church to the urgency of sharing the Gospel with the nations before the return of the Lord Jesus in His 2ND coming. In June of 2016, Johnny and Karen did exactly that and launched again to the United States and to the Nations of the earth to organize, train and mobilize the local church for community influence. Johnny believes that the sharing of our faith in Jesus must become a priority for every believer.