Hello Dear Ones,
We pray that this letter finds all things well. There is a song we have been singing in the church for the past few years. It says, “Even when I don’t see it you’re working, even when I don’t feel it you’reworking, you never stop, you never stop working, you never stop, you never stop working.” Can you hear that song now? Well, I want to tell you, God is moving! In China right now, the church is exploding. In India, the church is experiencing great growth, and even greater persecution. However, the persecution only fuels the church in India. As Tertullian said in 2nd century Christianity, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church”. God is moving in Iran where Muslims are having visions and dreams of Jesus and asking Christians for an explanation. Christians are leading them to faith in Jesus! It is shocking what is happening in Iran. Even as we hear the constant bombardment about Covid-19 and its many variants, broken borders, political correctness, liberal and bizarre philosophies in our classrooms, homosexuality, and vaccines, God IS moving! He is moving wherever believers allow their voice to be loud for the name of Jesus. Let me give you two examples from just this past month.
Sylacauga, Alabama: God At The Gas
I pulled into the city about 9:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning. It was snowing hard and a near white-out. I almost had to pull off of the road as the snow was falling so rapidly. The temperatures were forecast to fall quickly and the roads could freeze. I decided to fill my car with gas before the service so I could get back on the road to Mobile, and back home before dark. I walked into the gas station across the street from the church. The cashier was a very sweet woman. I greeted her and asked how she was. She replied, “I am blessed”. I said, “So am I!”, and we fist bumped one another. At the end of the counter was a young girl who was covered in tattoos and piercings. I asked her how she was and she
replied, “Ok I guess”. The Lord immediately dropped a word of knowledge in my heart. I asked her, “Do you want to know why you are just ok?” She asked why and I said, “Because you want to die. You want to kill yourself because you feel unwanted and disrespected. God sent me 250 miles this morning, through the snow, to tell you that God loves you! The Lord says that you are beautiful, talented and smart. God has a plan for you!” She began to weep. She said, “Oh my God, I tried to kill myself last night but I just could not do it”. She asked how I knew all of that.
Let me tell you about Luverne, Alabama!
The church had a record attendance the Sunday following our outreach to the community. 14 people came to the altar of decision in that service. After an amazing Sunday morning service, the Pastor, his wife, and I went to a local restaurant for lunch. While we were eating, a young lady who was an employee of the restaurant was cleaning the table close to us. She was working so hard and looked
exhausted. The Lord said to grab her by the hand and tell her that God loves her. When she looked up at me I said, “What is your name?” She said, “It’s Jennifer.” I told her of the love of God. I asked if I could have her hand. She willingly extended her hand. She was about 25 years old. I said, “The Lord said for me to take your hand and tell you you are not alone and He loves you”. She began to weep. She said, “My boyfriend left me, I have a small child and I don’t know what to do”. The Pastor introduced himself and said, “We are here for you.” She said she was away from God before we could even ask her about her relationship with Jesus. We told her she could, even at that moment, return to Him right here in this restaurant. We asked if we could pray for her and led her in the sinner’s prayer. She then looked up, just like the girl at the gas station, with a new look of hope. The Pastor and his wife have been reaching out to Jennifer and they are hoping to help her find her
pathway to life through Jesus!
I told her, “The God of Heaven, who Is Jesus, spoke to me about you when I walked in this gas station. I asked her to come to church with me. I told her, “I am an evangelist for God, and Jesus is calling you to surrender your heart to Him. He will give you all that you desire as you follow His plan for your life”. She began to sob. I began to read the Roman Road scriptures to her. I asked, “Would you like to live?” She said she would. I asked if she wanted to give her heart to Jesus. She said, “I don’t know how?” I then led her in a prayer of repentance. She looked up with eyes of hope that looked very different from when I walked in that gas station. I asked her to come to church with me.She could not leave her mother who worked in the adjacent restaurant. I wished her well, then left and went to church. Let me stop and say that 8 people came to the altar of decision that morning and one of them was a young man that everyone had almost given up on. He was deeply touched by God that morning. After the wonderful service we had, I took the Youth Pastor back over to the gas station to meet Dana and invite her to their church. She came the following Wednesday night to join the youth group. I am praying that Dana has found new life and that the curse of suicide is broken! Friends, God Is moving!
Oh Dear Family, Friends and Ministry Partners, this is what you support each month as you send us across the nation. You send us to offer the hope of a new life in Jesus, and a transformed heart. God Is moving! Do not let the news, the chatter, or anything you hear convince you that God is not moving. It was raining here in Mobile a few nights ago. As I awakened to the sound of the storm, I looked out and saw the rain and lightening, and heard the thunder. I could not go back to sleep.
The Lord began to speak to me. He said, “You hear the thunder, and see the lightening and the rain. Have I not moved in these before? You see this storm. But I tell you, a Spirit storm is coming. I am moving in revival among my people and a Spirit storm is coming.” I heard it clearly. Allow
your hope to be raised high, and allow your expectations to be raised even higher. The Lord IS moving. No matter how dark it may feel. You might not see it, you might not feel it. But hear this dear ones, He never stops, He never stops working, He never stops, He never stops working. Let God work through you. Pray, worship, give and tell someone your story of hope. Miracles are waiting for you to activate your faith and get loud for Jesus.
Let us join China, India, Iran and the places of the earth where God is moving, and let us jump into the river of His activity. Hear this
again. God Is Moving. He is wanting to move in you, and through you. What about you? Are you ready for His love to flow through you? Ask Him right now as you read this letter. Just know that Karen and I are both praying for you, your family, your church and your community to see Him at work. Look up, everyone. God is moving!
What a time to live and rejoice in the goodness of our God. There is joy in the house of the Lord! Thank you for helping us continue to go to the nations and tell them these stories of hope. We need you, (Please donate to our ministry) and we thank you for your generous financial gifts to keep us going. May it be multiplied back to you in joy as you help us bring joy to every city that we visit!
We love you all,
Evangelists Johnny and Karen Jernigan
Matthew 11:12